Participating in the 2020 SABMag Directory is packed with value and delivers year-long visibility as follows:
- Print&Digital: You get a 1/8-page Directory listing which includes a photo, 30 words, LEED v4 categories, and web url / tel # which goes in our Winter 2019/20 issue of Sustainable Architecture & Building (SABMag) – print and digital versions. We make the listing for you.
- Web:Your listing will also be in our web version of the Directory [https://sabmagazine.com/product-directory/] in all categories where your products can potentially contribute LEED v4 points,
- e-News:Your listing is also shown and linked in one of our SABMag monthly e-News,
- Homepage&Facebook:Your listing will go on both the SABMag home page, and Facebook page for one month with a link to your site, and
- All our publications:Your listing is mentioned and linked on a special page in all of our publications [10 in total – four SABMag and six CaGBC regional publication issues] throughout 2020.
You get all of the above for only $595. The Home Page and e-News exposure, alone, are worth the price of the listing. Deadline is Dec. 10, 2019. We make the listing for you. Contact dgriffith@sabmagazine.com